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Stressed Spelled Backwards

           is Desserts

I write this blog and I am feeling stress. (About what?) You might be thinking… well lots of things! Stress about what the future holds, stress about injuries, stress about life and the next steps, stress from work, stress about the world, stress from family etc. etc.

The point is we all have stresses! This is a part of human nature, with free thought comes stressful thoughts. Often this can be difficult to deal with, but in my quarter century on this earth I have learned a few things about dealing with stress, tips to make it easier to cope with and some things to do to make yourself easier to deal with around others when you are stressed:


1.) It’s all going to be alright.

That’s right I said it! No matter what you are dealing with, it will eventually sort itself out. Now that may take a day, it may take 80 years, but if you stay positive and focus on Solutions instead of all the problems, things will work out.


Fight getting sucked in. We’ve all been there… I call them the What If’s… “What if I miss my back squat PR? What if I don’t get that promotion? What if I don’t meet this deadline? What if I fart in front of the cute girl in class?” All Joking aside getting sucked into whatever stresses you are dealing with is a bad thing. It will consume you, like quick sand. The more you think about it, the deeper you get into it. Then once that “Stress” is over, you come out not realizing the damage you have done. There can be damaged relationships, careers, businesses. My advice is to deal with the issue at hand to the best of your ability, set aside time to deal with that issue, but do not let it spill over into other portions of your life. That is where it will grow into larger issues! Keanu Reeves says it best...

3.) Keep yourself happy and find balance! 

A story will probably suit this rule best: I was working on a huge project (in my eyes), I had invested time, money, my blood sweat and tears, and I still had a long way to go! I decided to get it done faster it would be a good idea to cut everything else out of my daily schedule so I would have more time to work on the project. First I cut out hanging out with friends, next came training, after that came cooking, after that eating had taken a back seat! Before I knew it I was 20 pounds lighter and having trouble sleeping at night. I couldn’t focus on the work at hand… I was sucked in and unhappy. I took a step back from the project at that point. Gave myself 3 weeks where I focused on eating more, working out and getting myself right. My stress levels dropped significantly!!! Also, within those 3 weeks I was more energized and focused I was able to get more work done in half the time! I found that balance worked best, a little time with friends, music, eating, sleeping, and working out made me the most productive I had ever been.

4.) Don’t Be The Smelly Kid In Class:

By this I don’t mean your hygiene needs to improve, although washing those gym clothes and showering everyday isn’t a bad idea! I mean don’t be the person who sprays their stress around to others like a skunk. People carry an air about them, it’s sensed by others. You can read someone’s emotions by their facial expressions, how they walk, how they talk, and how they act. If you are stressed don’t make it unpleasant for others to be around you! Try to use interactions with others to your benefit! Spark a conversation about something going on with them that could serve as a distraction from your stress OR even better provide you with some inspiration or a solution! Walking around with a scowled face does nothing but tell people “I’m unhappy get away from me”. Be better, be happy!

5.) Help from your friends:

If you are feeling symptoms from #2 and #3 on this list then guess what? IT IS TIME TO CALL IN THE CAVALRY! If you are struggling at work ask your supervisor for guidance, or your co-worker. If you are struggling at home ask your significant other or parents or children. If you are struggling in the gym ASK YOUR COACH! There are people in your life that care, and although it may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, It’s NOT! Sorry to burst your bubble, but there’s a million problems in the world! I’m in the business of finding solutions, and who better to ask for solutions then the people who care about you! We’ll get this problem fixed ASAP and have you on your merry way!

6.) Life’s Too Short: 

“Humans have a 100% mortality rate” … That quote put things into quick perspective for me. A good friend of mine told me that when I was stressing hard over a test I wasn’t prepared for in college. His point: This probably doesn’t matter in the long run, and you could die tomorrow, so don’t drive yourself crazy over something you aren’t even going to remember doing. Truth is I don’t remember that test or what grade I got or even what class it was for. What I do remember is going out and celebrating with my best friends when the semester was over. My point here is life is too short, stress sucks the life out of you, so don’t waste your precious seconds stressing.


The Truth is Stress is a part of life, but try to deal with it in a proactive way instead of a reactive way.

As always the coaching staff is always here to help you deal with anything, no matter how big or how small.


Stay Positive Folks!

-Coach Dan

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